Zenbeats 3.0.8 contains important performance updates and feature enhancements. Please update Zenbeats as soon as possible to optimize your experience.
Thanks for being a part of the Roland Cloud community. We value your feedback, and we’ll keep on bringing you the tools you need to create songs. If you have any Zenbeats questions, check out our support page or reach out to Customer Service.
Release Notes:
- Bug Fix: Fixed potential crash when suspending
- Improvement: MIDI Learn Soft-Takeover improvements
- Improvement: MIDI Learn: can learn from native plugin GUI (MacOS/Windows only)
- Bug Fix: Fixed potential crash when recording automation
- Bug Fix: MPE editing fixes
- Bug Fix: Multiple timeline pattern selection and envelope bugs
- Improvement: Clip pattern UI optimizations and fixes
- Bug Fix: Fixed issue with lesson bubbles going off screen
- Improvement: Browser prev/next buttons now preview. Selection now remembers current filter position
- Bug Fix: Fixed drag to render bug in LoopBuilder
- Bug Fix: Fixed Multi-timbral freeze issues
- Improvement: Automation editing of Drum track effects
- Improvement: ZR1 CPU optimizations
- Bug Fix: ZR1: Fixed issues with samples glitching on playback
- Bug Fix: duplication bug of group tracks
- Bug Fix: Duplicate audio files being created during audition
- Improvement: Locked features are now immediately unlocked at the time of V3 unlock purchases instead of after all content has been downloaded
- Bug Fix: Fixed issue of timeline patterns moving to nearest snap value upon selection